Oct 1991 | Ojai Basin Groundwater Management Agency created by an act of the state legislature. |
Apr 1993 | Adopted requirements to register, meter, and report groundwater extractions (Ord. 1). |
Sep 1994 | Approved first Groundwater Management Plan. |
Apr 1995 | Began charging groundwater extraction fees (Ord 4). |
Jun 2007 | Updated the Groundwater Management Plan. |
Oct 2007 | State approved legislation (AB 738) to allow for increased extraction fees (up to $25/acre-foot) if approved by a majority vote of the basin’s groundwater extractors. |
Nov 2011 | Developed first Ojai Basin Groundwater Model. |
2013-2014 | Installed continuous data loggers in various wells in the Ojai Basin to improve data on groundwater levels. |
May 2014 | Updated the Ojai Basin Groundwater Model to include calibration through the end of 2013, as well as improved estimates of recharge from turf and crop irrigation. |
Jul 2014 | San Antonio Creek Spreading Grounds Rehabilitation Project completed by Ventura County. OBGMA is a project partner, with ongoing operation and maintenance responsibilities. |
Aug 2014 | Updated the Ojai Basin Groundwater Model to include predictive model simulations that evaluate anticipated groundwater elevations in the basin through water year 2020. |
Jan 2015 | Submitted a resolution to the California Department of Water Resources requesting that OBGMA become the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Ojai Basin, pursuant to California’s 2015 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. |
Jan 2022 | Submitted Draft Final Groundwater Sustainability Plan to California Department of Water Resources |